On Wed, Oct 07, 2009 at 10:58:16AM -0300, Elton S. Fenner wrote:
> Hi,
> Our team who work on tickets frequently are requestors of tickets to.
> I know about the <server>/SelfService, but what I would like is to have 
> a custom query at RT at a Glance.
> I'm trying to create a query to show stalled tickets who __CurrentUser__ 
> is requestor.
> When I try a query Owner = __CurrentUser__ it works fine (Owner = 
> '__CurrentUser__' AND Status = 'stalled').
> But when I try this: "Requestor.EmailAddress LIKE '__CurrentUser__' AND 
> Status = 'stalled'" (without doble quotes) nothing is shown and in the 
> same query when I use instead of __CurrentUser__ logon name it works.

Try Requestor.id = '__CurrentUser__', CurrentUser is an id, not a
login name or email address.


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