On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 10:09 PM, Easyrider Inquiry

> Quantifier follows nothing in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/+ <-- HERE
> REST/ at /opt/rt3/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm line 393.

The above line in the error log tells you exactly where and what the problem
is.  The problem is with a regex expression on line 393.

Sure enough, look at this below:

> [r...@security webalizer-2.21-02]#
> /opt/rt3/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm:
> #Set($WebNoAuthRegex, qr!^(?:/+NoAuth/|
>                             /+REST/\d+\.\d+/NoAuth/)!x );
> The problem is that the second line above (the one with REST in it) was
supposed to be part of the line above it, but more than likely when you
pasted it in, your text editor didn't wrap the line and instead put in a
line break.  You need to comment out that second line as well - that's what
is causing the error.

As far as your Apache configuration, you have RT setup to use mod_fastcgi.
In those instructions, you must also have the following somewhere in your

FastCgiIpcDir /tmp

FastCgiServer /opt/rt3/bin/mason_handler.fcgi -idle-timeout 120

These are outside the virtual host stanza and since you claim RT works for
you at the root level, your Apache configuration obviously has those
necessary lines and is otherwise setup correctly.  All you need now to get
http://backup.easyrider.com/helpdesk/ working is to use the following Alias
and ScriptAlias lines:

Alias /helpdesk/NoAuth/images /opt/rt3/share/html/NoAuth/images
ScriptAlias /helpdesk /opt/rt3/bin/mason_handler.fcgi/

James Moseley

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