On Tue, 2010-03-09 at 00:29 +0100, Martin Drasar wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> the issue from subject was discussed several times, but sadly I have not
> been able to find a solution that is working for me.
> I have a scrip that should launch after new ticket is created.
> Condition: On Create
> Action:    User defined
> Template:  My own defined template
> Stage:     Transaction create
> Inside the user condition I have this piece of code:
> $RT::Logger->info("Entering the scrip I have written");
> $RT::Logger->info($self->TicketObj->Status);
> $RT::Logger->info("Leaving the script I have written");
> return 1;

I think your problem is that you specified a built-in condition (On
Create) but put your custom code into the Custom condition text box.
You should either change the Condition to "User Defined" or put your
code into one of the action text boxes since you have the Action set to
"User Defined"

> I would expect this code to write three messages into log and send the
> message using given template (the template has everything hardcoded, so
> it should be ok). However no mail gets sent and nothing is in log.
> This scrip should be running because in rt.log I can see:
> [debug]: Found 1 scrips
> (/usr/share/request-tracker3.6/lib/RT/Scrips_Overlay.pm:365)
> which is changed to 0 when I disable the scrip.
> I have enabled the $DevelMode, and set $LogToFile to 'debug' (I have
> even tried to set $LogToSyslog to 'debug'), restarted the server, but
> nothing happened. There is nothing in rt.log, syslog, apache error.log,
> nowhere.
> Could you please help me finding where the problem can be?
> Best regards
> Martin
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