I found my Permission setting and now everything works as expected.

It was the global config that I needed to change.

Config > _Global_ > Groups > Privileged > ShowSavedSearches.

I have updated the wiki to make this more clear.


Alister West <alis...@gossamer-threads.com>

On 10-08-20 10:58 AM, Alister West wrote:


I have a new install of RT and would like to change the default
RT-at-a-Glance for everyone.

I followed the instructions on the wiki here and I have it working for
the root user.

I created a 'support' group and added 4 users to that group.
I also created an 'Approvers' group but no-one is in that yet.

I saved my custom query as 'RT System saved searches > My Service

In Config > Groups > 'Support' > Group Rights
I added 'ShowSavedSearches' to both the 'System Privileged' group and
the 'User defined - Support' group.

Unfortunately I get the error "Predefined search My Service Requests not
found" when logging in as the Support user Phil.

Have I missed something simple with my Permissions settings?

Thanks in advance,


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