Hi everyone,

I have had a look through the archives, as well as a poke around the code.

I'd really like to deploy RT with a minimised interface, I'd like to
obscure much of the functionality that RT deploys to make it more
approachable to the audience I would like to deploy to.

Is there a simple way to (for instance) to hide Ticket metadata by
default - I would like to expose perhaps the Basics and Custom Fields
but not the Reminders, Dates, Links, 'More' section etc.  I realise
they can be hidden with the carets, but could this be done to be
hidden (rather than exposed by default?)  Similarly I'd probably quite
like to hide some of the tabs as well (Dates, Links, Reminders).

If there isn't a simple way to do this, what is the complex way to do
it? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.  I have had a look at
the Wiki, but I'd prefer not to be making changes to any of the core.

I've been using RT for many years, but never had the need to customise
it until now!



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