It really sounds like you want the Self Service interface that users get
when they are unprivileged.


On 26 Oct 2010 12:29, Daniel Swan wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have had a look through the archives, as well as a poke around the code.
> I'd really like to deploy RT with a minimised interface, I'd like to
> obscure much of the functionality that RT deploys to make it more
> approachable to the audience I would like to deploy to.
> Is there a simple way to (for instance) to hide Ticket metadata by
> default - I would like to expose perhaps the Basics and Custom Fields
> but not the Reminders, Dates, Links, 'More' section etc.  I realise
> they can be hidden with the carets, but could this be done to be
> hidden (rather than exposed by default?)  Similarly I'd probably quite
> like to hide some of the tabs as well (Dates, Links, Reminders).
> If there isn't a simple way to do this, what is the complex way to do
> it? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.  I have had a look at
> the Wiki, but I'd prefer not to be making changes to any of the core.
> I've been using RT for many years, but never had the need to customise
> it until now!
> regards,
> Dan

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