Hello everyone,

I would like to ask you how I can create two tickets from one mail.

The reason is that we often receive copyright infringment notices and
then follow this workflow:

- autoreply to complainant that we have taken care of it
- contact the administrator that is responsible for the part of network
the infringement took place in
- wait for the administrator to do his job
- close the ticket after receiving reply from administrator

Our network is part of a bigger network and many mails that end up in
our abuse inbox end up also in the abuse inbox for the bigger network.
We used to add them to CC of the mail that goes to complainant so that
they can close their ticket. However, they started in good faith to
reply to that mail and their reply is resent to the administrator
mentioned before, which is something we do not want.

We have figured that the most sytematic solution would be to create two
tickets in such cases. One ticket for communication with external
entities and one for internal communication.

I am not sure how exactly to do it and if it is really that good idea
though. Does anyone of you have simillar setup? What and how would you
suggest to do it?


Mgr. Martin Drasar                                   dra...@ics.muni.cz
CSIRT-MU, Network Security Department          http://www.muni.cz/csirt
Institute of Computer Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
                       PGP Key ID: 0xB2761CDE

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