That's in Kenn, thanks for the help.


There is also something else that's been in the back of my head for some
time. When someone clicks on a ticket subject to open it, it is just a link
I presume; however, could the same outcome of the scrip below apply to this
as well? Essentially, any possible way for someone to open a ticket would
force ownership?


Kris Germann


[] On Behalf Of Kenneth
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Auto-own?



We use a scrip for that:

Description: Auto Owner
Condition: User Defined
Action: User Defined
Template: Blank
Stage: TransactionBatch

Custom Condition:
# Check for Ticket Status changed to "open"

my $trans = $self->TransactionObj;

return ($trans->Type eq "Status" &&
        $trans->NewValue eq "open");

Custom action Prep Code:
# set owner if Nobody

my $ticket = $self->TicketObj;
my $trans = $self->TransactionObj;
my $owner_id = $trans->CreatorObj->PrincipalId;

if  ($ticket->OwnerObj->Name() eq 'Nobody' )
     $ticket->SetOwner($owner_id, 'Force');

return 1;

Custom action Cleanup Code:
return 1;

Works for us. Hope it helps.


On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 11:37 AM, Kris Germann <> wrote:

Just wondering if there is a way to give the ticket to a RT user account as
soon as they open it, rather than leaving it up to them to 'Take' it?


Also, I'm running this report here: Created < '3 days ago' AND ( Status !=
'rejected' OR Status != 'resolved' ) , which works for now, but is there a
way to tell what this query does (how many tickets are < 3 days), but also
tell me how old they actually are?




Kris Germann

Fibernetics Corporation



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