Apparently for the missing Searches
$search->SubValue("SearchType") returns ''

Did I miss a step when upgrading ?


On 2011-03-14 17:50, Gerard FENELON wrote:

I am experimenting with RT-Extension-MobileUI 1.01 on RT 3.8.8.

I am surprised by the Saved Searches on the home page.
The Home page lists 8 Saved Searches
whereas when I go to the Search Builder I have 13.

I don't see any commonality between the shown Saved Searches
or between the unshown Saved Searches.
Privacy does not seem to influence this :
I am missing some but not all searches from "My Saved Searches"
and also missing some but not all searches from "MyCompany Everybody's saved searches"
(I have a group called "MyCompany Everybody")

Another of my colleagues sees the same thing :
she sees only 2 searches from the 5 "MyCompany Everybody's saved searches".
(the same as me).
She does not see any searches from her 6 "My Saved Searches".
She does not see any searches from the 3 with yet another privacy.

Has anyone had a similar issue ?


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