On 2011-03-15 15:26, Kevin Falcone wrote:
I don't have a patch to submit.
For the moment I just changed
     foreach my $search (@searches) {
         next unless $search->SubValue("SearchType") eq 'Ticket';
     foreach my $search (@searches) {
         $RT::Logger->info( "SavedSearched '" . $search->Description,
"'  'SearchType' : '" . $search->SubValue("SearchType") . "'" );
         next unless $search->SubValue("SearchType") eq 'Ticket';
Does changing that to something like:
          next if $search->SubValue("SearchType")&&  
$search->SubValue("SearchType") ne 'Ticket';
also work?


As an aside, I am not totally in love with having my 13 Saved Searches on the home page I would probably prefer having a link called "Saved Searches" pointing to another page
and maybe another link to Dashboards (if that is feasible).

I found a workaround : renaming the Searches.
Just resaving the Search without changing its name does not seem to
be enough.
Does changing an attribute of the search work?
I don't understand what you mean by attribute of the search

I didn't want to
suggest resaving because I wasn't sure it would work.


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