RT_SiteConfig.pm contains:

Set( $WebDomain, 'domain.com' );
Set($WebPath, "/requesttracker");
Set($WebPort, 8010);
Set($rtname , "domain.com");
Set($Organization , "domain.com");

So I use BIG-IP to do SSL so apache is all standard unencrypted http

My external access is https://domain.com:8010/requesttracker/

This forwards to the local RT install
http://local.com:8010/requesttracker/ (transparently to the end-user of

This works but when performing certain functions such as just logging
in, the app then directs to http://domain.com:8010/requesttracker/ which
doesn't work.  If I flag the url in the browser address bar with https
it's fine and I load the dashboard fine.

When I logout or try to log in with wrong credentials it doesn't break
and sticks with the https/8010 scheme.

What I want to do is make sure RT is always directing to https/8010 but
I must not have it configured correctly.

Any assistance would be appreciated.


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