In our RT3.8.9 setup, I had customized the Tickets/Elements/Tabs to have a 
QuickResolve for when you could just look at a ticket and resolve it with no 
further action: for example, a known false positive virus alert, using:
        if ( $can{'ModifyTicket'} ) {
                if ( $Ticket->Status ne 'resolved' ) {
                        $actions->{'Acc'} = {
                                path  => 
                                title => loc('Quick Resolve'),

Now that RT 4 uses lifecycles, I'm not sure how to accomplish this same thing 
using lifecycles in  The documentation in RT_Config is less 
than helpful for anything but stock behavior: show the update page or just 
change a status, but it isn't very flexible beyond that.  Am I missing 
something?  Even a wiki page addressing lifecycles in some fashion?

Thanks in advance for any help someone can give.

Drew Barnes
Applications Analyst
Network Resources Dept.
Raymond Walters College

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