On Wed, Jun 01, 2011 at 08:12:46PM -0400, Barnes, Andrew (barnesaw) wrote:
>    Now that RT 4 uses lifecycles, I'm not sure how to accomplish this same 
> thing using lifecycles
>    in RT_SiteConfig.pm.  The documentation in RT_Config is less than helpful 
> for anything but
>    stock behavior: show the update page or just change a status, but it isn't 
> very flexible
>    beyond that.  Am I missing something?  Even a wiki page addressing 
> lifecycles in some fashion?

I don't believe lifecycles currently offers you the flexibility of
adding a tab like that (although adding the Quick Resolve portion is
trivial, and if it isn't clear from the docs, a bug report about how
to make it clearer would be great.  We've added just such a tab on
issues.bestpractical.com so we can quick resolve things).

You're going to need to use one of the Elements/Tabs callbacks to
modify the link for the Quick Resolve action to include
UpdateTimeWorked.  You'll find the PageMenu() method available from
your callback useful, and the docs in RT::Interface::Web::Menu may be
helpful for navigating the data structure.


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