I guess I'm not getting this right.

I'd like that a user, upon login, were able to only see the tickets for which they are a requestor (in a given queue).

Let's say I have a group G and a queue Q. If rights for G on Q are "Create tickets" and "View queue" obviously they see all tickets in the queue, whereas "Create tickets" alone does not allow them to see any ticket.

To keep things tidy, I've also given the same rights to Everyone, Privileged, Unprivileged.

Is what I want to do feasible with just permissions management?



Giuseppe Sollazzo
Senior Systems Analyst
Computing Services
Information Services
St. George's, University Of London
Cranmer Terrace
London SW17 0RE

Email: gsoll...@sgul.ac.uk
Direct Dial: +44 20 8725 5160
Fax: +44 20 8725 3583

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