On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 03:53:23PM +0100, Giuseppe Sollazzo wrote:
> >Did you run make initdb?  Do you have the On Create Update Nagios
> >Tickets scrip?  That scrip will log if it matches in the subject.
> Hi Kevin,
> thanks - I haven't. I can't find such info in the readme/wiki.
> Is there any example anywhere else?

Step 4 of the README included in the extension covers this.



> So basically,
> 1) There's no "update nagios" option in the scrip, or such scrip at
> all, so I suppose this is because I didn't run the make initdb
> 2) make initdb in which makefile? (I installed the extension via
> cpan, if that makes any difference).
> Thanks,
> Giuseppe

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