
Where does these callbacks code are available ?

% $m->callback(CallbackName => 'BeforeActionList', ARGSRef => \%ARGS, Ticket
=> $Ticket);

To understand how does this works, I was trying to find out where does the
BeforeActionList resides ? But unable to find it in the entire RT4
installation base ? Can somebody pls help me ?

Tried the following to find out, where / what ?
1. by MasonX::Profiler ( came to know by the reply for my another question )
-- but no success with it also.
2. find /opt/rt4 -iname '*beforeactionlist*' # no output
3. find /opt/rt4 -type f | xargs grep -i 'BeforeActionList'  # all are same
kind of callbacks ! no code/definition...

I tried to find out the other callback codes, those are all also not
available ! Any pointers / help is highly appreciated ..

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