Thank you for your response Kevin. I am not seeing anything that looks like it might help me out. What I am looking for is a custom search that is based on the "current" month by name/number. I don't care about the month as "-30 day". I just want something available to have a select that shows "this month" and "last month" so customers can see their queue and what was worked on during a certain billing cycle. Is this even possible?

Scott Benson
System Administrator | A1 Networks
Voice: 707-703-1043

For support issues please email or call 707-703-1050

On 11/3/11 10:12 AM, Kevin Falcone wrote:
On Thu, Nov 03, 2011 at 09:20:14AM -0700, Scott Benson wrote:
I am looking to use RT's ticket search feature to show tickets that
were created "this month", ie November 1st - November 30th. Also
another search for "last month".  we don't want anything that is -
30 day or - 1 month.   We're trying to setup a dashboard that shows
customers what is being worked on this month, and what was worked on
last month.  btw this is in RT 3.8.8.  Thanks in advance.
Those are all parsed by Time::ParseDate, so anything it can handle we
can use:


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*  Barcelona, Spain — November 28&  29, 2011
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*  Barcelona, Spain  November 28 & 29, 2011

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