On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 09:50:25AM +0000, Eduardo Suarez-Santana wrote:
> El 18/11/11 17:33, Kevin Falcone escribió:
> >On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 10:23:01AM +0000, Eduardo Suarez-Santana wrote:
> >>Is it possible to avoid this behaviour? Running RT-3.8.
> >You can fix it by searching for the Unprivileged user and changing the
> >username to John.
> >
> >You can change it longer-term by writing a local/lib/RT/User_Local.pm
> >which overrides CanonicalizeUserInfo and causes the username to be
> >correct from the start.
> >
> Do you mean searching in the database? Or is that possible via web
> interface? Afaik, it is not possible to search for unprivileged
> users in the web interface, is it?

Use the autocompleter or the Find all users who match: boxes.

> I'd also like the user to be privileged. Is there a flag in the
> database for that?

It's available in the web ui after you search for the user.


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*  Barcelona, Spain — November 28 & 29, 2011

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