Hello list,

I just installed RT 4.0.4 on Debian Squeeze with mySQL.

If I create a ticket in the web interface with french special characters like é 
à in the subject, the subject line of the outgoing mail for the requestor is 
not OK. Here is the mail header :

Subject: =?us-ascii?Q?=3D=3FUTF-8=3FB=3FW3NlZmFuZXQgIzE2XSBBdXRvUmVwbH?=

Seems to be utf-8 surrounded by us-ascii !?

EmailOutputEncoding is set to 'utf-8' ( that was the default config ). Where 
does this us-ascii come from ?

Everything shows OK in the web interface.

No problem with the special characters in the description of issue.

The outgoing emails are handeled by mailx. No problem with special characters 
when using mailx from the console.

RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
* Boston — March 5 & 6, 2012

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