
One of my privileged users A was able to add another user B as AdminCc
even though that second User B does not have the WatchAsAdminCc right as far as I can make out.

User B is not privileged.
User B does not have any rights for that Queue in Admin/Queues/UserRights.html

User B belongs to only one group C directly.
Group C is not included in any other.
Group C does not have any rights in Admin/Groups/GroupRights.html
Group C does not have any rights for that Queue in Admin/Queues/GroupRights.html

The WatchAsAdminCc right on that queue is only given to User-defined groups to which User B does not belong either directly or indirectly.

If I look at the RightsMatrix for User B, he does not have WatchAsAdminCc right on any queue. If I look at the RightsMatrix for Group C, it does not have WatchAsAdminCc right on any queue.

User A has the following rights on that queue C

 * CommentOnTicket
 * CreateTicket
 * ModifyTicket
 * OwnTicket
 * ReplyToTicket
 * SeeQueue
 * ShowACL
 * ShowOutgoingEmail
 * ShowTicket
 * ShowTicketComments
 * StealTicket
 * TakeTicket
 * Watch
 * WatchAsAdminCc

*Any ideas where I might have messed up ?


RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
* Boston — March 5 & 6, 2012

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