On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 23:11, Kevin Falcone <falc...@bestpractical.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 01, 2012 at 07:42:29AM +0100, Robert Wysocki wrote:
>> Dnia 2012-01-31, wto o godzinie 21:43 +0400, Ruslan Zakirov pisze:
>> >
>> > Was it a mistake in encoding or just unsupported one? Anyway, it
>> > should be reported as a bug report with more details about what was in
>> > headers and what is actual encoding of the mail.
>> The actual encoding was iso-8859-2 and the declared one was iso-8852-2.
>> I think it was i typo.
> I think your options come down to:
> running sed over your mail queue
> temporary hack in RT::I18N::_CanonicalizeCharset
> use Encode::Alias in the right place to
>    define_alias( "newName" => ENCODING)

It's a workaround. RT may be improved:

* send error to owner of RT, I hope we already do this
* we can check encoding in email with Encode and if encode doesn't
know it then we ignore value and guess

So this deserves a bug report and I'm Bccing ticket.

> -kevin
> --------
> RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
> * Boston — March 5 & 6, 2012

Best regards, Ruslan.
RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
* Boston  March 5 & 6, 2012

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