On Wed, Feb 01, 2012 at 11:04:38PM +0000, Howell, Van wrote:
>    I have added several users into the RTUsers group I set up in AD.
>    The AD Administrator, a common Domain User called Test.Account that is 
> located in the OU with
>    all my other users, my personal account also located in the OU with all 
> the other users and an
>    alternate administrative account I use.
>    I can logon to RT with the AD Administrator account. I can logon to RT 
> with the Test.Account
>    and I can log in using my alternate account. But I cannot logon using my 
> personal account. I
>    also had my assistant test with her account and she cannot log on.
>    I have studied the problem and cannot find anything unique about the 
> accounts that cannot
>    logon.

We really need to see your configuration for RT-Authen-ExternalAuth
and your logs for the failed login, turned up to debug.


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* Boston — March 5 & 6, 2012

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