On Thu, Mar 08, 2012 at 01:47:38PM -0800, Sandra Wittenbrock wrote:
> Some of my users have two or more email addresses they can use to submit
> requests to RT.  To allow for this, I currently allow RT to create
> accounts for unknown email addresses, and have installed MergeUsers.
> I'd like to add the email addresses to the accounts prior to requests
> coming from them, so that I could restrict usage, and avoid spam ticket
> requests.  I did a little searching to see if I could find where the
> merged email addresses are stored, then decided maybe a kind
> knowledgeable member of the list would help me out.  Is this stored in
> the database?  I did a little digging, but didn't see anything promising.

They're stored in a second User account, so create a new user with the
secondary email address and merge them.  There are command line tools
for merging users, so if you can script the user creation with perl or
an initialdata file, you can then use the command line tool to
automate the merging.


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