On 3/9/2012 7:04 AM, Kevin Falcone wrote:
> They're stored in a second User account, so create a new user with the
secondary email address and merge them. There are command line tools for
merging users, so if you can script the user creation with perl or an
initialdata file, you can then use the command line tool to automate the
merging. -kevin

Here's a related question that perhaps you or someone else can shed some
light on.   We have some code in procmail that wants to verify senders
against tickets in advance, so part of the query includes
'(Requestor.EmailAddress = '$from' OR Cc.EmailAddress = '$from')',
passed to the rt script.  The way MergeUsers functions, the TicketSQL
does not select tickets that are owned by the primary user when a merged
user sends the message.  That is, if I send from a merged address, the
ticket is created with the canonical account, and the above query
fails.  I'm trying to see what would be needed to be added to MergeUsers
to allow that to work as intended, which would be that all addresses in
the merge set should be valid for that query condition.  I think it may
be stretching the purpose of MergeUsers, but at the same time, that
TicketSQL condition really should evaluate to true if $from is any of
the merged user addresses.  In fact, it looks like the redefined 'Next'
method may be the root cause, but I assume that not doing this would
cause problems elsewhere.  If so, any ideas on alternate queries that
would accomplish the desired result?


Mark D. Nagel, CCIE #3177 <mna...@willingminds.com>
Principal Consultant, Willing Minds LLC (http://www.willingminds.com)
cell: 949-279-5817, desk: 714-495-4001, fax: 714-646-8277

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