
create a search that meets your criteria and then a dashboard that runs
said search at the appropriate time.


On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 2:33 PM, Florin Andrei <flo...@andrei.myip.org>wrote:

> Using RT-4.0.5 on Linux.
> What is the best way to configure RT to automatically send an email to the
> owner of a ticket when the ticket is nearly due? Let's say, 1 day before
> the due date.
> I've seen this page...
> http://requesttracker.wikia.**com/wiki/Reminders<http://requesttracker.wikia.com/wiki/Reminders>
> ...but it's for reminders. I'd like to just look at the existing tickets
> and send the notifications when they're close to due date.
> --
> Florin Andrei
> http://florin.myip.org/

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