On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 11:05 PM, April Rosenberg <apr...@yelp.com> wrote:
> Good Morning,
> I have been setting up some new queue’s in our RT instance as multiple
> departments will use this.  I wanted to use names like IT_Helpdesk and
> HR_Inbound for my queues, but that is a little unfriendly for my users.  I
> was wonder if there was a way to change which name is displayed when the
> queue name is displayed, if it can use the description?  I found,
> http://www.dice.inf.ed.ac.uk/units/user_support/docs/rt/rt-mods.html#QL1,
> but that seems to be about an older build and not complete.  I am using
> 4.0.5.  Has anyone done this?  Thanks!

Displaying queue name is not concentrated in one place, so the only way would
be is to patch RT here and there.

> April

Best regards, Ruslan.

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