Hi All,

I never got anyone's feedback on this situation.
I would really appreciate someone else's experience to provide a solution to this user.

Thanks in advance,

On 10/04/2012 6:58 AM, Gilbert Rebeiro wrote:

We are using RT 4.0.0 all is working well.

We have a couple of users that are ccadmins to several queues.

They are obviously getting bombarded with emails.

They can't differentiate the ones they receive because they are cc:admins.

They really need to see the ones that there has been a reply or comments, the changes of status or queues are less important.

They really need to know when they are assigned a ticket or they are the owner and something happens to the ticket.

They want 2 email addresses - one for the ccadmin stuff and one for their user.

Any suggestions?


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