You can either 
A) combine the two scrips into one (you probably have one for owner, and
one for cc)
        This would send only one email
B) update the template and/or the scrip's condition to not do anything if
the owner is in the cc list.

| Joachim Thuau | IT Systems Engineer - Linux / SpaceX |
| Cell: 310-890-7937 | Office: 310-363-6153 |

On 5/24/12 8:24 AM, "Gilbert Rebeiro" <> wrote:

>Hi All,
>I never got anyone's feedback on this situation.
>I would really appreciate someone else's experience to provide a
>solution to this user.
>Thanks in advance,
>On 10/04/2012 6:58 AM, Gilbert Rebeiro wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We are using RT 4.0.0 all is working well.
>> We have a couple of users that are ccadmins to several queues.
>> They are obviously getting bombarded with emails.
>> They can't differentiate the ones they receive because they are
>> cc:admins.
>> They really need to see the ones that there has been a reply or
>> comments, the changes of status or queues are less important.
>> They really need to know when they are assigned a ticket or they are
>> the owner and something happens to the ticket.
>> They want 2 email addresses - one for the ccadmin stuff and one for
>> their user.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Thanks
>> GIlbert.

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