On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 6:25 PM, Max McGrath <mmcgr...@carthage.edu> wrote:
> Hi All -
> Just upgraded to 4.0.6.  I'm trying to change the
> $ResolveDefaultUpdateType as I had it in 3.8.8.
> I've put the following into my RT_SiteConfig.pm but the DefaultUpdateType
> for resolve is still set to Comments in the WebUI.
>  default => {
>         actions => [
>             'new -> open'     => { label => 'Open it', update => 'Respond'
> },
>             'new -> resolved' => { label => 'Resolve', update => 'Respond'
> },
>             'new -> rejected' => { label => 'Reject',  update => 'Respond'
> },
>             'new -> deleted'  => { label => 'Delete' },
>             'open -> stalled'  => { label => 'Stall',   update => 'Comment'
> },
>             'open -> resolved' => { label => 'Resolve', update => 'Respond'
> },
>             'open -> rejected' => { label => 'Reject',  update => 'Respond'
> },
>             'stalled -> open'  => { label => 'Open it' },
>             'resolved -> open' => { label => 'Re-open', update => 'Comment'
> },
>             'rejected -> open' => { label => 'Re-open', update => 'Comment'
> },
>             'deleted -> open'  => { label => 'Undelete' },
>         ],
>     },
> Again, my main goal is to have the update type be respond when resolving a
> ticket.  I've already followed the instructions here
> (http://requesttracker.wikia.com/wiki/CustomStatusesInRt4), but my custom
> update types don't seem to be getting set.
> Am I missing something?

Show whole block from SiteConfig that starts from "Set(%Lifecycle" and
ends with ");",

> --
> Max McGrath
> Network Administrator
> Carthage College
> 262-552-5512
> mmcgr...@carthage.edu

Best regards, Ruslan.

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