
Here's some code I developed for a 3.8 installation.

It will add "TimeWorked" to each parent of a ticket up the ladder and
sideways (if a ticket has more than one parent), regardless of how many.

Use it as an example of how to determine if there is a parent and then as a
condition to send a notification.

Hope this helps.


# Custom condition:
# Set initial values

my $trans = $self->TransactionObj;
my $ticket = $self->TicketObj;

# Get out if not for "TimeWorked"

return 0 unless ($trans->Type eq 'Set' &&
                 $trans->Field eq 'TimeWorked');

return 1;

# Custom action preparation code:
# Set initial values

my $trans = $self->TransactionObj;
my $ticket = $self->TicketObj;
my $Time = (($trans->NewValue) - ($trans->OldValue));
my $MemberOf = $ticket->MemberOf;

# get out if current ticket is not a "MemeberOf" (child of some parent)

return 0 unless $MemberOf;

# Loop thru each parent and add the Child's "TimeWorked" to them
# You can skip a parent ticket if it is not in active state by uncommenting
# the "next" statement

while( my $l = $MemberOf->Next )
#     next unless( $l->TargetObj->Status =~ /^(?:new|open|stalled)$/ );
     my $ParentTime = $l->TargetObj->TimeWorked;
     my $NewTime = ($ParentTime + $Time);

return 1;

# Custom action cleanup code: None
return 1;

On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Jeff Blaine <> wrote:

> Does anyone know of a way to notify the parent ticket's owner
> on resolve?

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