
Kool. Don't forget about the action being "Notify Others" so your override
takes effect.

thanks for the tip on my guide.


On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 9:31 AM, Jeff Blaine <> wrote:

> On 6/5/2012 6:40 PM, Kenneth Crocker wrote:
>> Create a Template called "Notify Parents on Resolve".
>> The Template should have code similar to this (loop thru all parents and
>> add the Emailaddress of the ticket owner to the "To:" line in the
>> Template) at the top (test the code to correct my mistakes):
>> To: {my $parent = $Ticket->MemberOf;); ...
> [snip]
> Kenn,
> That's what I was stumbling toward, but it seemed like I was
> perhaps missing a better way to do it. It can be a little
> daunting trying to figure out *where* to customize RT before
> you even get to the *how* part.
> You could have just said, "Yes, override the To: with code
> in a custom template", but I'll gladly take your much more
> detailed response! :)
> Thanks.
> PS: You got a tip via an Amazon purchase yesterday ;)

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