
We are in the process of upgrading RT from version 3.8.7. We are starting with 
a fresh install on a new server. We have RT set up and the plan is to
delete the current database on the new server and reimport the data from our 
old server and then run the update scripts, we predict this will take 2-3 hours.

Collegues have vague memories that when upgrading from version 2 to 3 they were 
able to upgrade in a similar manner, but in order to minimise the
downtime, they were able to use tools that allowed them to do the bulk of the 
data upgrade during office hours, then take down the old version and do an 
incremental migration to move any data that has been added since the bulk data 

The insert action on the rt-setup-database script mentions a supplementary 
datafile. Could this action be used to perform the incremental upgrade I 
describe above?
If so what is the format of the datafile and is there any tools we can use to 
create it? We are using a postgres database.

Jenni Wilson
Strategic Data
Tel: 03 9340 9000
Fax: 03 9340 9090

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