What database are you using. I went the exact path you are doing a few months 
ago from 3.8.7 to 4.0.5 and someone here posted a link with very 
straightforward instructions. I am using Postgres and just did a pg_dump of the 
db, created a new one with a different name and loaded my dump file into it. 
Then on the new server, got everything installed per instructions but instead 
of initializing database ran:
rt-upgrade-database (I think)
And it prompts you to step through each version of the db one at a time. 

If I can find the link, I'll send it to you. 

I did run into an issue on one of my installations where custom fields are 
handled a little differently (only if the custom fields are linked to one 
another) but I put together some scripts with a little help from the list and 
fixed it. Since I was moving to another server and was able to test a few dry 
runs, the whole upgrade took about 30 min to an hour to complete. 

Sent from my mobile device. 

On Aug 1, 2012, at 2:27 AM, Jenni Wilson <jenni.wil...@strategicdata.com.au> 

> Hello,
> We are in the process of upgrading RT from version 3.8.7. We are starting 
> with a fresh install on a new server. We have RT set up and the plan is to
> delete the current database on the new server and reimport the data from our 
> old server and then run the update scripts, we predict this will take 2-3 
> hours.
> Collegues have vague memories that when upgrading from version 2 to 3 they 
> were able to upgrade in a similar manner, but in order to minimise the
> downtime, they were able to use tools that allowed them to do the bulk of the 
> data upgrade during office hours, then take down the old version and do an 
> incremental migration to move any data that has been added since the bulk 
> data extraction.
> The insert action on the rt-setup-database script mentions a supplementary 
> datafile. Could this action be used to perform the incremental upgrade I 
> describe above?
> If so what is the format of the datafile and is there any tools we can use to 
> create it? We are using a postgres database.
> Thanks,
> Jenni Wilson
> Strategic Data
> Tel: 03 9340 9000
> Fax: 03 9340 9090

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