On 08/24/2012 12:32 AM, Simon Dray wrote:
> Thomas Hi
> When a tickets is raised by email if the user doesn’t exist it is
> created, these are tagged as being auto generated its not a bug. If
> you have a problem with tickets being created by spam and I am sure
> most of us have at some time since starting with RT you should put
> some sort of filter in place. Perhaps BP could put in a config item
> which says to only open tickets from registered users, maybe there is
> a function in 4.0.6 not usre haven’t got to that yet.

Yep, I know that auto-creating users isn't a bug.  You may note I work
for Best Practical.  ;)

The bugs I was pointing out are that users shouldn't be allowed to be
created with (crucially) email addresses that point back into RT itself.


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