
I'm trying to install RT and I'm a bit confused.
I have read many documentations.

During the install process I did
# cd rt-4.0.5
# ./configure --with-db-database=rtrackerdb --with-db-rt-user=rt 
--with-db-rt-pass='rtpwd' --with-db-dba=mydba --prefix=/var/www/htdocs/rt 

In the documentations that I read they say that I'll have to access the URL
But if I list the directory /var/www/htdocs/rt there is no webpage

# ls /var/www/htdocs/rtx/
bin             etc             local             share
docs            lib                sbin            var

I would like to mention that I change the http.conf, configuredRT_SiteConfig.pm 
and ran make initialize-database
I ran the ./configure command in the first step of my installation and I would 
expect to see in the /var/www/htdocs/rt directory a file such as index.pl or 

Does anyone have an idea ?
For those who doesn't have an idea could you ls the rt directory.

Thank you

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