----- Mail original -----

> De : Christian Loos <cl...@netsandbox.de>
>>  In the documentations that I read they say that I'll have to access the 
>>  But if I list the directory /var/www/htdocs/rt there is no webpage
>>  # ls /var/www/htdocs/rtx/
>>  bin             etc             local             share
>>  docs            lib                sbin            var
>>  I would like to mention that I change the http.conf, 
> configuredRT_SiteConfig.pm and ran make initialize-database
>>  I ran the ./configure command in the first step of my installation and I 
> would expect to see in the /var/www/htdocs/rt directory a file such as 
> index.pl 
> or index.html
>>  Does anyone have an idea ?
>>  For those who doesn't have an idea could you ls the rt directory.
>>  Thank you
> In your case what you are locking for is in:
> /var/www/htdocs/rt/share/html/
> Also 4.0.6 is the current version and 4.0.7 will be release in the next
> days/weeks. So you should use an more recent version for an new
> installation.
> Chris

Hello Christian,

Thank you for your answer.

I didn't install RT 4.0.6 because there was a compatibility version issue with 
URI (>= 1.59). Mine was older.
Now that I have and updated URI perl module, I installed RT 4.0.6
My second problem is the Apache virtualhost configuration. I use Apache 1.3.29
So far it looks like this:
<VirtualHost *>
    ServerAdmin root@localhost
    DocumentRoot /htdocs
    PerlModule Apache::PerlRun
    <Location /rtx/>
        AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache::PerlRun
        PerlRequire /var/www/htdocs/rty/mystartup.pl
        Options ExecCGI Indexes FollowSymLinks
        PerlSendHeader On
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    ErrorDocument 404 /404.html
    ErrorLog logs/
    CustomLog logs/ common

Should I use RT::Mason as the PerlHandler ? (Many wikis talk about it)
In my setup I have Apache chrooted, so mod_perl loads the installed modules at 
startup (I specify the list in mystartup.pl)
As you can see RT is installed in /htdocs/rty directory. Do you have any 
comment on my Apache configuration ?

Thank you

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