Morning Alberto,

I DID find that article previously, but I have to say (embarrassingly) that I 
couldn't work it out (Seems I'm a tad thick with some things) and the last 
reply by Ruslan lead me to believe he'd incorporated it into 0.06 - but that 
appears to be just the priority hold, not the re-calculate due date part.

You say to use two conditions "on stall"/"on un-stall"- but I'm having trouble 
working out how to create the "on stalled"/"on un-stall" conditions.

I found this:

It looks like a MySQL command... and it should give me the "On Stall" 
condition, but I'm unsure how to get the UN-stall condition with the same 

I'm fairly certain the code for Action1 and Action2 go in as User Defined 
Actions into the "Custom action cleanup code" area, yes?

So in the end - once I figure out how to create the two custom conditions, I 
then create two Scrips:

                Name:   [SLA] Parking ticket 
                Condition: On Stall
                User Defined Action - <Action1>

                Name: [SLA] Unparking Ticket 
                Condition: On Un-Stall
                User Defined Action - <Action2>

These SHOULD then do the job of punching out the due date by the period of time 
the ticket was stalled - yes?

Thanks in advance for all the assistance!

    = Dave Fitches =

.,--__|\.. David Fitches - Security Software Admin
/       |. University of Melbourne - Access Control
\_,--__/.. * Ph/Mob : +61-3-8344-9232 / +61-411-811-525
......v... * E-mail :  
.......... University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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