Thanks Kenn,

                That sounds really useful if it does it on ticket
creation. Does it also update the times if people make an entry on
MyDay.html? Just noticed with the current scrip I am using that it
doesn't update the time on parent tickets if a comment is added, which
seems very strange to me, as time entered with no comment adds the time





[] On Behalf Of Kenneth
Sent: 02 October 2012 04:22
To: RT User List
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Updating parent tickets with time fields




I wrote a scrip that adds time entered into a child ticket automatically
to all parents of that ticket, in case that child has more than one
parent or more than one grandparent, etc.


I'll have to look it up, but check back with me in a couple days and I
might have it by then. I'm not home and at a customer site at the



On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 2:34 AM, Alex Young
<> wrote:

I have very slightly modified the AutoUpdate Parents with TimeWorked
) to also update Time Estimated and Time Left.

Everything works fine, except it doesn't update the parent ticket if you
put any time values in during ticket creation. As we are creating a lot
of child tickets, it would be much easier for us to be able to update
these fields during child ticket creation, rather than going into each
ticket to update them.

Any ideas how I could get this scrip to update when a ticket is created,
as well as when the field itself is modified?


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Final RT training for 2012 in Atlanta, GA - October 23 & 24

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