On 12/13/2012 10:42 AM, Shuvam Misra wrote:
> I too was wondering what would I do if I took a browser-based app like RT
> and needed to run multi-tenant setups on a single physical server. One
> option is of course virtualisation, but another could be just running an
> Apache with multiple virtualhost setups. Can one install multiple copies
> of RT in multiple directories, and make them connect to the same PG or
> MySQL database server but use various different databases? So, in short,
> we will have one Apache daemon listening on five different domains using
> its VirtualHost feature, then redirecting accesses to five different
> physical copies of RT running on five different port numbers and storing
> their config files etc in five different directories. And at the
> back-end, all five RT instances would talk to the same database server on
> the same database port number, but would connect to five different
> databases.
> Will this work?

Yup, works great.  That's essentially what we do.  You'll want a
mod_fcgid, mod_fastcgi, or reverse proxy deployment.  You can't use
mod_perl to run multiple copies of RT because of the global Perl
interpreter state.

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