On Tue, May 07, 2013 at 07:44:15AM +0000, Johan Sjöberg wrote:
> Hi.
> We have a number of queues for different departments. I have created groups 
> for the staff and set these groups as Admin CC on their respective queues. 
> The problem I have is that the "NN newest unowned tickets" isn't working 
> correctly. It seems to count tickets in queues that the user does not have 
> rights on. So if I sort it by queue name, and ascending, I do not see any 
> unowned tickets if there are more than NN unowned tickets in queues that I do 
> not have permissions on, if they are earlier in the alphabet than my queues. 
> This is quite annoying since I have to choose a non-optimal sorting order, 
> and risk missing new, unowned tickets.
> We are using RT 3.8.16.
> Regards,
> Johan
Hi Johan,

Have you set $UseSQLForACLChecks? I think that should fix your problem.


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