
I also posted this on rt-devel but it's not really a development of RT
issue.  More like a REST interface issue.  I hope it's OK that I'm
crossposting it here.

I'm writing some perl that analyzes new Incident Reports in RTIR and looks
for related Incidents that might already exist.  I cannot however figure
out how to link them now because there's no Parent/Child relationship in RT
::Client::REST.  Can anyone offer some guidance on what I can do?  I'm
about an hour into the coding and this is a major roadblock.

link_tickets (src => $id1, dst => $id2, link_type => $type)

Create a link between two tickets. A link type can be one of the following:

   - DependsOn
   - DependedOnBy
   - RefersTo
   - ReferredToBy
   - HasMember
   - MemberOf

Should I have just gone ahead and used LWP or would I still have the same

Landon Stewart <landonstew...@gmail.com>

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20: http://bestpractical.com/training

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