On viewing a ticket or the full ticket history I am receive an error


Bizarre copy of UNKNOWN in sassign at
/opt/rt4/share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowMessageStanza line 95.



Looks like the transaction contains a massive amount of data a user
pasted into the ticket. I have a search on the RT at a glance page which
returns the last reply in a ticket, which displays the content fine.


First few lines of the content, in case it's relevant:

Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Line 150 Violation of PRIMARY KEY
'PK_tbl_SchemeAreaPostcodes_lkp'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object
The duplicate key value is (170, CR06AA). The statement has been
2627, Level 14, State 1, Line 151 Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint
'PK_tbl_SchemeAreaPostcodes_lkp'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object
The duplicate key value is (170, CR06AB). The statement has been


Any idea what has happened or how I can fix it to display the ticket



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