On Fri, Aug 02, 2013 at 05:03:32PM +0000, window camera wrote:
> <<This is wrong. Always make your changes in RT_SiteConfig.pm, never in
> RT_Config.pm or they'll be lost when you upgrade.>>
> Yes, I know it's wrong to do it there. Had no choice though.
> There was absolutely no information or documenation on how to
> setup "HomepageCompoents" in RT_SiteConfig.pm. I searched far and
> wide for it.

Um.  Copy it from RT_Config.pm to RT_SiteConfig.pm and modify it

The documentation I copied that you deleted said what to do.

#############################  WARNING  #############################
#                                                                   #
#                     NEVER EDIT RT_Config.pm !                     #
#                                                                   #
#         Instead, copy any sections you want to change to          #
#         RT_SiteConfig.pm and edit them there.  Otherwise,         #
#         your changes will be lost when you upgrade RT.            #
#                                                                   #
#############################  WARNING  #############################

> Do you happen to know how?
> I'll tell you how I did it though (in RT_SiteConfig.pm):
> SET ( HomepageComponents, qw('SummaryByUser'));

Nope, SET is invalid, it's Set (copy, don't retype).
Exactly the line you had in RT_Config.pm goes in RT_SiteConfig.pm.

Then you add OwnerSummary to that HomepageComponents line.
(The names OwnerSummary and RequestorSummary are documented in the
DESCRIPTION section of the README shipped with the extension).

> and I also added the SummaryByUser in the @plugins.

@Plugins, not @plugins.  You still haven't shown your plugins configuration.

> Howerver, got the same exact error. No dice. Just error'ed out again.
> I'm just a little baffled why these extensions don't come with a
> README that gives directions on how to set it up. Anyway I digress.

Most extensions do, this one is underdocumented.

> <<Go delete SummaryByUser from your RT at a Glance page, fix 
> HomepageComponents to contain valid components and then add them to the 
> page.>>
> Yes, thanks. I did do that. Same error. See above configuration I did in 
> RT_SiteConfig.pm.

> Now when I add "OwnerSummary" as you said, I get error "Error while loading 
> ....can't locate RT/Extensions/OwnerSummary.pm.

No, don't add that to plugins, you add that to HomepageComponents.

> Any other things you think I should check? Or perhaps now we're at the point 
> where this extension is perhaps not compatible with RT 4.13?

This extension is compatible with 4.0.13.
I'm the developer who contributed a patch to make it compatible with RT4.

Since you don't seem to be following my explanations, I'll copy and
paste the correct configuration here, but then you're on your own.

        qw(QuickCreate Quicksearch MyAdminQueues MySupportQueues MyReminders 
RefreshHomepage Dashboards SavedSearches OwnerSummary) # loc_qw

Set( @Plugins, qw(RT::Extension::SummaryByUser));

If you use more than one plugin, this @Plugins line is incorrect and
will disable other plugins. You must specify them all in a single
@Plugins line.


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