On Mon, Nov 04, 2013 at 01:44:58PM +0000, Cena, Stephen (ext. 300) wrote:
> I thought that might be the case. Is there a better way to ensure that
> CC emails are always sent? Both our Service Dept & the IT Dept will
> add users to the CC's as needed. In both RT systems, I have a "On
> Correspond Notify Others" Scrip and thought that would cover it.
> What is the proper/recommended way to ensure all CC users get their emails 
> without extra emails getting generated?

On Correspond Notify CCs is the proper scrip to ensure that Ticket
CCs get their email.

On Correspond Notify other recipients is the proper scrip to ensure
that one time CCs and BCCs get their email.

Please note the difference between Ticket CCs and the one-time-CCs,
these are handled by different Scrip actions.


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