Thomas Sibley <trs <at>> writes:

> On 05/16/2013 05:14 PM, Philip Brown wrote:
> > After doing a few searches, it seems that using the "rt-shredder" tool
> > is the one true way to delete a user.
> > 
> > Unfortunately... i find the documentation on it, inscruitable :(
> > 
> > Could someone please give me a simple, straightforward commandline to
> > delete user X?
> > 
> > I was hoping it would be as simple as
> > 
> > 
> > rt-shredder --plugin User name=doomeduser
> > 
> > but that does not seem to be adequate.
> The format is incorrect.  --plugin takes a single argument, but you've
> space separated it and hence it's two.  See
> for the proper
> format; you're close.
> Alternatively, use the admin web interface instead of the command line.
>  Select "Users" from the object type and then enter "doomeduser" in the
> Name field.  If the user isn't disabled, either disable them first or
> enter "enabled" in the status field (which defaults to "disabled" if
> empty, for safety).

Okay, so I was trying to do the same thing myself and struggling just as
much with the documentation as the original poster was.

After banging my head against the keyboard for a while I worked it out, so I
recorded in this blog post:

I thought I'd post back with the answer in the hope it might help the next



RT Training - Boston, September 9-10

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