
in the etc/initialdata sample from the rt distrib, i can read

@Queues = ({ Name              => 'General',                                  
             Description       => 'The default queue',                        
             CorrespondAddress => "",                                         
             CommentAddress    => "", },                                      
           { Name        => '___Approvals',                                   
             Lifecycle   => 'approvals',                                      
             Description => 'A system-internal queue for the approvals system',
             Disabled    => 2, } ); 

But there is only 2 documented values (by documented, i meant

so my question is: is there a point to use different values that the documented 
ones? what is it? 

Marc Chantreux,
Mes coordonnées: http://annuaire.unistra.fr/chercher?n=chantreux
Direction Informatique, Université de Strasbourg (http://unistra.fr) 
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    -- Abraham Lincoln

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