I thought this was working...

I am running rt 4.2.10

I have a few queues setup.  I have the "SelfService" web interface setup.  I 
can login as an Unprivileged user and create a ticket.  I can send email and 
create a ticket.  I can not as the unPriv user, SEE my created ticket in self 
service mode.

Unprivileged users can only create tickets in one queue.  I have granted 
"Everyone" all of the "General" rights on the main queue:

*         Comment on tickets CommentOnTicket

*         Create tickets CreateTicket

*         Reply to tickets ReplyToTicket

*         Sign up as a ticket Requestor or ticket or queue Cc Watch

*         View custom field values SeeCustomField

*         View queue SeeQueue

*         View ticket summaries

The wiki "Rights" article was not particularly helpful.  I must be missing 
something trivial.  Clue please?


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