
I'm sure there's a problem with my template. Can anyone point it out to
me? The attachments seem to be added to the mail if I view the mail
source - but I cannot see them in most mail clients (Thunderbird in

This only happened when I recently a) upgraded from 4.2.2 to 4.2.10, and
b) started using HTML templates


-- template starts here --
  my $result="";
  my $u = $Transaction->CreatorObj;
  if ( $u->Privileged ) {
    my $a = $Ticket->QueueObj->CorrespondAddress;
    $a = $Ticket->QueueObj->CommentAddress if ( $Transaction->Type eq
'Comment' );
    $result .= "From: ".$Ticket->QueueObj->Description()." <".$a.">";
RT-Attach-Message: yes
Content-Type: text/html

{$Transaction->Content( Type => "text/html")}
--template ends here --

Jon 'Boli' Copeland
Systems Engineer
IT Sales & Services Ltd
All sales enquiries   : sa...@itss.co.tz
All support enquiries : supp...@itss.co.tz
Emergencies Only      : +255 (0) 685 374780

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