Hi There!

I am having trouble with RT-Extension Extract Custom Field.  


Anyone ever done this before and can help?  A quick help will be appreciated
as we are missing critical requests



Thank you.


My template:




Cell Phone|Body|Cell Phone:\s*(\w+)


First Name|Body|First Name:\s*(\w+)

Last Name|Body|Last Name:\s*(\w+)


My body:

Address: 100, High Street
Cell Phone:3809
First Name:Marcelo
Last Name:Calado


Into my logs:

Dec 22 16:08:35 751081-tbsfryou RT: [27756] CustomFieldValue (Ein,20) added:

Dec 22 16:08:35 751081-tbsfryou RT: [27756] CustomFieldValue (Ein,20) added:

Dec 22 16:08:35 751081-tbsfryou RT: [27756] CustomFieldValue (Address,100)
added: 1325

Dec 22 16:08:35 751081-tbsfryou RT: [27756] CustomFieldValue (Address,100)
added: 1325

Dec 22 16:08:35 751081-tbsfryou RT: [27756] CustomFieldValue (Cell
Phone,3809) added: 1326

Dec 22 16:08:35 751081-tbsfryou RT: [27756] CustomFieldValue (Cell
Phone,3809) added: 1326

Dec 22 16:08:35 751081-tbsfryou RT: [27756] CustomFieldValue
(City,Stoughton) added: 1327

Dec 22 16:08:35 751081-tbsfryou RT: [27756] CustomFieldValue
(City,Stoughton) added: 1327

Dec 22 16:08:35 751081-tbsfryou RT: [27756] CustomFieldValue (First
Name,Marcelo) added: 1328

Dec 22 16:08:35 751081-tbsfryou RT: [27756] CustomFieldValue (First
Name,Marcelo) added: 1328

Dec 22 16:08:35 751081-tbsfryou RT: [27756] CustomFieldValue (Last
Name,Calado) added: 1329

Dec 22 16:08:35 751081-tbsfryou RT: [27756] CustomFieldValue (Last
Name,Calado) added: 1329

Dec 22 16:08:35 751081-tbsfryou RT: [27756] Ticket 347 created in queue
'TaxOnline' by mcalado

Dec 22 16:08:35 751081-tbsfryou RT: [27756] Failed command 'address: 100,
High Street'#012Error message: Command 'address' is unknown#012#012Failed
command 'ein: 20-999-745'#012Error message: Command 'ein' is unknown

Dec 22 16:08:35 751081-tbsfryou RT: [27756] Extended mailgate error: Failed
command 'address: 100, High Street'#012Error message: Command 'address' is
unknown#012#012Failed command 'ein: 20-999-745'#012Error message: Command
'ein' is unknown




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