
@Martin provided some advice that needs followed, but here is some additional info as well:

On 4/21/16 6:28 AM, Yanni wrote:
Under the apache section it talks about "mod_fastcgi" and

Do I have these modules?

As you are on CentOS 7, you can use yum to find out. This example shows I have mod_fcgid installed:

yum list installed | grep fcgi
mod_fcgid.x86_64     2.3.9-4.el7     @base

What I add to "httpd.conf" depends on which one of these modules I
have or use?


I also borrowed the RT essentials book from our library but the book is
a bit out-of date and talks about RT3. There are a number of how-to's
online available but all a bit different to each other. I presume that
is because they are written by people who know what they are doing so
they config things they way, they believe is right.

The book is outdated, but the online documentation is up to date:


For reference here is the documentation index:


Whenever I try to view RT I get this error: Forbidden, You don't have
permission to access /rt4 on this server. In a desperate attempt to
solve this permissions issue I did: "chown apache:apache -R /opt/rt4"
but with no luck.

This attempted solution may have weakened security a bit, you don't want the application files writable by the webserver user. You may want to back up and delete /opt/rt4 and rerun 'make install' in your RT source directory.

And then again @Martin provided some advice that needs followed, but some additional advice is you're using pre-apache 2.4 access directives:

      <Location />
      Order allow,deny
      Allow from all

This is the reason for the specific error you are getting. Note in the deployment documentation:

            <IfVersion >= 2.4> # For Apache 2.4
                Require all granted
            <IfVersion < 2.4>  # For Apache 2.2
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all

Since you are on an apache > 2.4, you want to use the 'Require all granted' directive.


RT 4.4 and RTIR Training Sessions https://bestpractical.com/training
* Washington DC - May 23 & 24, 2016

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